ISCA Players Player Award & Captain Leadership Awards-
In 2021, with the help of a former ISCA Alumni, we created the ISCA Players Player & Captains leadership Awards. These awards are granted to players, who are nominated by their peers; who go above and beyond for their teams.
Players Player Award
Presented to the player who goes above and beyond the call of duty for their team.
Winter 2021: Joe Kulesza, Batmen
Spring 2021: Tyler Fiorillo, Blue Line Bandits
Summer 2021: Nick Picinic, Team New Roc
Fall 2021: Kyle Ellis, The Grunts
Winter 2022: Chris Rizzo, Stars
Spring 2022: Cole Puso, Fluffy Unicorns
Summer 2022: Tim Currie, Bulldogs
Fall 2022: Angel Roman, Death Punch
Winter 2023: Jason Guliano, Lumberjacks
Spring 2023: Frank Cerisano, Blackhawks
Summer 2023: Dave Rooney, HC Dynamo
Fall 2023: Jack Puso, Fluffy Unicorns
Winter 2023/24: Glenn Howard, Phantoms
Spring 2024: Diego Vergara, Newbees
Captain Leadership Award
Presented to the Captain who exemplifies the qualities of a Captain of their team
Spring 2021: John VanderWiele, Crossfire
Summer 2021: Ryan Daly, Just The Tip
Fall 2021: Sam Bazian, Cliftons
Winner 2022: Brandon Harrington, Kekembas
Spring 2022: Matt Cielo, Venom
Summer 2022: Sean Haggerty, Premature Shooters
Fall 2022: Mike Sweeney, Vipers
Winter 2023: Nick Lombardo, Bad News Bears
Spring 2023: Alan Teller, Wild Donkeys
Summer 2023: Phil Schaub, Punishers
Fall 2023: Ross Ginsberg, Raging Mingos
Winter 2023/24: John Fede, Predators
ISCA Staff/Employee Scholarship
Inaugural Winner: Thomas Zurkowski
ISCA Employee of the Month:
November 2023. Derek Koblentz
December 2023. Samantha Sabato
January 2024. Jake Renzi
February 2024. Jason Bergman